Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Birthday to Them

It's sweet to be back on NYC soil again. I loved getting out of the city, but always feel much more balanced to dig back into it again. Of course, I miss a certain Ithaca resident, but it makes visits all the more pleasant.

Last week was birthday central. I have 5 friends now who all share the same birthday (May 4), including P's sister. His mother's birthday is the following day.

I started the week with Rodney's birthday dinner, which was a lot of fun. He rented out a restaurant in Brooklyn for the occasion. The only downside was that it was the hottest day of the year thus far and the air conditioning broke. In an Italian restaurant with a fully-buzzing kitchen, that can be a challenge, but we all survived without completely melting. It was good to see some people I don't get to see on a regular basis and get all caught up.

The next day, I went up to the Adirondacks to P's sister's place, near Lake George (of course, that's when it got chilly and rainy). Luckily, there were plenty of opportunities where the sun shined long enough to get some nice hikes in. When it wasn't great outside, we had Wii Sports Resort inside, so it all worked out. His parents came up, as well, so it was a nice celebration. Toward the end of the week, we went back down to P's place and I just got back this afternoon.

Now, to catch up on the city side...

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