Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Spring is hitting. Sure, we may have a few more wintery days ahead, but the weather is great at the moment.

I got my wish on the flip flop season of my last post. We had several days of 50s-60s in the city during which the gash on my foot could finally start to heal over. As of a couple of days ago, even walking in shoes doesn't bother me one bit.

I've been in Ithaca since Friday, headed back home tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to being apart from P, but it will be nice to be back in the city. Hopefully it won't be too awfully long between visits.

While here, we went to Moosewood on Friday night. We had an incredible meal, appetizers through dessert. I had a Russian vegetable strudel in whole wheat phyllo dough that was out of this world. And whole wheat phyllo! It hadn't even occurred to me to try it. I found a recipe, but considering the size of my kitchen, I'm more likely to hit Whole Foods' freezer section for pre-made stuff first. What I also liked about the Moosewood pastry was that it wasn't too oily. They had to have used very light brushes of olive oil between layers and very little, if any, on the outside. I'm salivating just thinking about it.

The work front has been going decently. I'm doing a small consulting project, which is keeping my brain moving. I'm using some coding muscles I haven't stretched in a while (pretty simple stuff- I'm so NOT a hard core developer).

I've been reaching out to a few people, otherwise. I'm holding out for the right fit when it comes to a more permanent move.

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