Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Living in Manhattan, especially in the theater district, one gets pretty used to seeing a fair share of celebrities. Some are more "celebrity" in my eyes than others, but usually it's a passing mental shrug, if anything. I think some of it is having been in "the biz" since I was basically a kid, so even if I remotely care, I like to give them the same respect I'd give any potential colleague. Even if we make eye contact as I'm thinking "wait- is that someone I actually know or do they just look familiar because- oh, oops, I'm staring at a famous person who probably thinks I'm a stalker now" (busted), I try and just give a polite smile and move it along.

Tonight, I have to admit to being a tiny bit star struck for a moment. As we were entering the theater, I looked at the girl directly in front of me and thought, "huh, that kinda' looks like Mamie Gu.... (Gummer) OH!! And that would be her mother (Merryl Streep) right next to her!" (I've seen Mamie in a couple of things, so not really unusual that I'd see her around town- and poor thing that she's probably gotten that reaction her entire life). That is one classy, talented woman. I still didn't really turn my head and certainly didn't say anything until well out of view or ear shot, but I got kinda' fluttery.

All in all, it was the best September birthday I've ever had. We'll forget for a moment that my birthday was in June. It took a while for us all to be able to get together. We're still waiting to do R's from May, so I'm not all that behind. Summer in the city- weird time to try and schedule stuff.

"Wishful Drinking" was a lot of fun. Even having read the book, the material transferred well. I laughed my way through.

We started out at one of my most favorite restaurants (shhh... it's a secret), so the bar was set pretty high early on in the evening. Good food, good friends, good entertainment. Love it.

Time now to call it a night. Sadly, not even midnight, it's a school night and well past my bedtime.

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