Thursday, April 23, 2009

April Showers

Things that absolutely ROCK about April, thus far:

- My rent is actually going DOWN! I guess the poor economy is good for something at the moment

- Seeing Paquito D'Rivera perform tonight. He sat in on one tune with Jane Monheit in the first half and did the whole second half of the evening with New York Voices. They all kicked ass and you could tell they'd been playing together for a long time. It's one of the best live musical experiences I've had in a while (which really just means I need to be getting out there more).

- We're actually seeing spring arrive. We've had more warmer/tolerable days than cold. And even the cold isn't so bad when compared to ice and single-digit temps.

The bad in April, thus far:

- I caught a nasty case of the flu. I'm on week 3 and still just really starting to breathe normally again and sound like myself. I think by the weekend my voice will have returned.

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