Thursday, June 4, 2009

Blowing Out the Candles

It's nearly that time again. I naturally get a bit reflective when about to head into another year on this planet.

First off, I can't believe I've been in NY for over 2 years. The time hasn't flown so much as rocketed. I also still can't believe I haven't lived here since I took my first independent step decades ago. I wasn't ready and I know it, but it feels so homey and comfortable. I do wonder how things might have played out if I'd moved here in my teens vs. my 30s, but I'm pretty happy with how things worked in the end.

To accompany my new lease signing, I am finding myself nesting further. I'm looking at more grown-up furniture than the I'm-unemployed-let's-just-get-somewhere-to-sleep-and-sit studio starter set. It will be nice to have a more efficient space in my tiny, beloved patch of Manhattan. I don't like feeling cluttered. Now that I have my Kindle, I went through my bookcase and got rid of a whole shelf's worth of books I likely wouldn't read again in paper form.

The next week is going to flyyyyy by. I'm booked through the weekend with birthday and Tony festivities then leave shortly thereafter to visit my brother.

I think I touched on this lightly, but my brother had a massive stroke about a month ago. He's progressing, but still fighting paralysis on the majority of his left side (he's not only a musician, but he's also left-handed). He's very young, but it was a congenital issue, so he was a ticking time bomb. Luckily, I know he's as stubborn as I am when being told he "can't" do something. (You can see how much I'm "not walking again", lol).

The last few months have been a little rough, but I have no major complaints. It's mostly been time management and a few health things, but nothing that can't be overcome. I had a procedure on my back a couple of weeks ago that will really help for the short-term. I waited too long, but reeeeeeeally didn't like the thought of having it done. Now that I'm almost two weeks past it, I'm grateful I did it when I did. I knew I wouldn't be able to fly as things were, so it was necessary.

Work is the same, really, and I'm okay with that. I've been sadly neglecting the music end of things. I'm guessing next week will likely be some fuel to change that. I have a new coach I'd like to start working with when I get back home. I've also been talking to a jazz pianist lately and we'll likely get in some jam time when I'm back, too. If that morphs into building my own trio, that wouldn't be the worlds worst thing. I'm also really anxious to get back into the gym when I'm back, now that my back is starting to behave. I'm looking forward to hitting some trails while I'm away, too! It's one of the few things (besides some people, of course!) that I miss about the west coast.

It's all about balance.

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