Monday, February 9, 2009

Turn On

For the first time in a very long time, I feel optimistic watching the news. Politics could get interesting.

The year has taken off like a shot. I'm slowly catching up to myself. I never really understood the phrase "New York Minute" until I moved here. Regardless of whether you're ready or not, time passes like a flash, along with everything you do within. It's not a question of memory loss, it just isn't the kind of place to stop and wait for you to smell the roses. Sniff all you want, but be ready to hop back on the full-speed-ahead train when you decide to rejoin the ranks. The only down side is that when I do get a few moments, I withdraw completely. Time alone is very precious here, especially for one who's used to having her fill of "me" time. It's only when out in the world again that I remember the 90000 other things I wanted to do when I had a few spare moments (call my friends, do my taxes, burn that CD for a friend, watch the dvd that's been sitting on my coffee table for a month). The other stuff, luckily, I can usually do in my own little bubble on the subway (read, catch up on email, read the news, etc).

So, all else is good. Work is still happening, business as usual until told otherwise. There are some exciting concerts at Jazz at Lincoln Center this month (Diane Reeves, a tribute to Miles and Coltrane, to name a couple). Theatre is a bit slow with all the closures, but there's enough new stuff to keep it interesting. I did get to see William H. Macy in Speed the Plow, which was a hell of a highlight. I've been exploring new (to me) restaurants with friends while trying to keep the pounds in the "shedding" direction. It's slow going, but happening. My eating patterns needed a LOT of adjustment from the west coast. It's just a different style of eating here, even when it comes to schedules. Tomorrow is Indian night. A friend and I are trying to work our way down Indian row in the Village, every few weeks or so, one restaurant at a time. I'm hoping we don't arrive to a bunch of closures tomorrow. In the current climate, it's not exactly rare, sadly.

Weather-wise, we've been going from snow to 50-degree days (which feel almost tropical after single-digit temps), then back to snow again. We're currently in the upswing of the temparatures, but it's supposed to be snowing again next week, so it doesn't appear winter is at its end. Honestly, if this is a "bad" winter so far, I can handle it. It's not the best, but perfectly tolerable, especially with the subway so close to where I live. It seems a lot easier to deal than 100-degree, humid days. I have no issue putting on extra layers, though at times it does feel like my eyes may freeze if I don't blink often enough.

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