Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sick as a Brick

Sorry for the lack of posting lately. It's not been a pleasant week here in the big apple for yours truly. While there's been some good stuff happening, I haven't really been able to focus outside of the not-so-good...

I'm sick as a dog. SICK sick. Like, this-was-a-bad-year-to-not-have-gotten-a-flu-shot sick. When I finally got to the doctor on Monday afternoon after having dismissed my previous week as just a "very bad cold", I had the death rattle cough going on. The cough is still there, but at least I can swallow without my ears and throat feel like they're burning through my skin.

There's other stuff, too, that's made it very unpleasant a week to be me, but that's as far as I really need to go in a public forum.

I tried really hard to go out and have "just one drink" (I know better) after work today. Of course, for me, this consisted of lots of hot tea and water and less than half of the worst Irish coffee I've ever tasted (seriously, it looked like a milkshake when it arrived, whipped cream, cherry!! and all... oh, but unsweetened... and... gross). Fortunately, since I'd ordered it twice (without it managing to end up at our table) and it arrived at least a half order after I'd ordered it, they at least didn't charge for the nasty thing.

Anyway, I just got home when I should have just come home straight from work, drugged up, and hid under the covers.

So, yeah, proof I'm not always Miss Sunshine. Bah humbug and all that mess. Even my optimism has its limits.

I really shouldn't complain. I have so much for which I'm grateful and a lot of good things in my life. Comparatively, it's just a few annoyances. Sometimes, though, they just get a little tough to ignore.

I'm taking some codeine cough syrup (with an antinauseant chaser, of course) and heading off to bed. I haven't really eaten outside of a hot wing and a few rings of calamari, but I can't deal with food at the moment. I'm ready to tune the world out again for a while. Hopefully, I'll wake up healthier and with a much better disposition. Frankly, right now, I just feel like a giant, sick bitch on wheels. Except without the wheels.

1 comment:

Diary of an Irish Woman said...

feel better soon sisterchick! And take it easy - take some time for yourself