Monday, August 11, 2008

Oh Canada

What a difference a border makes.

I was reminded today of something for which I'd gained an affinity while in the UK-- baked beans for breakfast. Not a terrible way to start the day. And I know it was probably gauche of me to ask for jam when I'd ordered what my wonderful friend refers to as "dippy" eggs, but fresh, thick challah toast deserves jam (as do I). The beans and eggs can stand alone.

That, on top of a solid night's sleep, made me ready for a full day of fun.
The Heinz ketchup is different here (we're onto lunch here). It's a bit too sweet for me and kinda gross. While they've omitted the HFCS, they've replaced it with "sugar water". It seems to me they also might use less vinegar.

I did the falls sightseeing this morning. The Maid of the Mist tour was wonderful. The falls themselves are beautiful. I took lots of photos, but I'll have to upload them later (likely when I'm back). I brought my laptop, but can't get a wireless signal :( The hotel supposedly has wireless, but it's not working.

I'm up all of $10 on the gambling front thus far. Ooh, la la. I'm done gambling for the evening. I'm more into chill time tonight, taking full advantage of the jacuzzi and the pile of books I brought. I haven't kicked this flu thing entirely, so after being on the go for about 13 hours, I was ready to slow down.

Tomorrow is supposed to be stormy. The weather is likely going to determine daytime activities. Also, a buddy of mine may come down from Toronto, so that's also a factor. I've crossed off the required activities (and even got in a work out), so tomorrow is completely free to whim. If its not too rainy I'll probably do some more exploring.

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