Friday, July 18, 2008

Get Gone

I saw "Some Americans Abroad" tonight. Well... part of it.

I love Tom Cavanaugh and have enjoyed the few Anthony Rapp performances I've seen to date (most known as the original Mark in "Rent"). The love pretty much ends there.

It would be interesting to see some of the same actors in something else, but they really just don't have a chance here. The play itself is one of the most boring things I've witnessed. Had I been sitting A) next to my friends and B) on the aisle, I don't think we'd have made it to the third scene. I've never, ever wanted to leave something within the first few minutes. My gut instinct held.

The few times I have walked out on shows, it's generally just a small trickle of the audience that sneaks out. This was like a door-busting mass exodus. Those around me (having the benefit of being on the aisle) were out the back door before the lights came up. Yes, it truly was that horrible an experience.

You know it's bad when the first blackout is accompanied by a modicum of (polite) applause. The second with about half that. The third, no exaggeration, one person clapping twice and stopping, realizing everyone else has given up.

I can't even say I hated the play. That would require a feeling far more than pure boredom. Good idea on the cast-- bad idea on the material choice. AND, it was a revival!! Audiences have sat through this thing at some point and *liked* it enough to want to see its return. Really?! I honestly don't get it. I think I'd rather those people just stay abroad, never crossing my path.

Well, if nothing else, it got us a great table at one of our favorite eateries before the post-theatre crowd rushed in. And I was dining with actual interesting human beings (also known as my friends).


As a total side note, as we were walking back from dinner, we passed an actor I've always found incredibly charming and attractive both on stage and film (not in any way involved in the performance I witnessed this evening). Wow, what makeup and lights can do for a guy. On the close-up and nothing to help nature along (even his voice would have helped the moment)... not so pretty. It's so disappointing to get that close to some and see what's really behind the curtain. I'm not saying I'm any better, by any means, but some things really work better with a suspension of disbelief.

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