Friday, July 18, 2008

A Few of My Favorite Things

There are two companies in which I should own stock: The makers of "Tide 2 Go" and "Frederick Fekkai" hair products.

I'm not receiving any endorsement dollars, although I'd happily accept them ;)

Tide 2 Go:
This stuff is absolutely one of the best new products out there. Those with whom I've dined more than once know a meal is not complete unless my shirt has enjoyed some of the food as well. I cannot count the number of days I've worn a spot on my shirt (and trousers... and quite
possibly shoes) until I was able to change. Since discovering this little magical pen, I often appear unmarked once I've gotten near enough to my bag. I tried the Shout wipes; don't waste your time.

Yesterday, in a brave move of defiance to the stain gods, I wore a white shirt. After my lunchtime salad, I'm pleased to report it got out all 3 balsamic vinegar spots immediately and without any real effort. I think "chemical magic in a tube" is a more appropriate name
for the stuff.

Frederick Fekkai More
Since I have a history of extremely healthy hair, I can typically find good styling product without breaking the bank. As often as I talk myself into cheaper shampoos and conditioners, however, I shouldn't be surprised that good quality-- and coming with a somewhat hefty pricetag-- is well worth it.

When I switched to Loreal Kerastase a few years ago, I felt a difference quickly. When my status was headed toward unemployment, however, I settled on less expensive, drugstore Loreal offerings.

A month or so ago, I began losing more hair than is normal for me. Having had long hair for much of my life, I am familiar with the typical shedding, but I was seeing far more than usual just running fingers through my hair (which I'll admit I do somewhat compulsively). When it lasted more than a few weeks, I grew concerned, but with as many "ologists" as I employ, I really didn't want to add anything to the medical list. A little denial goes a long way, but it was to the point I could no longer completely ignore the issue.

I, being a solid researcher, did my homework. I researched possible causes and, really, decided to fight the symptom while figuring out the cause.

Knowing a good friend is a fan of his other products, I was lead to Frederick Fekkai's "More" line; not for male pattern baldness and the like, but reportedly good for some low-level thinning. Upon this discovery, I ran, not walked, to my nearest Sephora and picked up the starter pack and was armed for my next shower. Yes, the prices are a bit steep, but not really more than I'd spend on other things.

The following morning, my hair was the same-- pulling yet another pile with the hairbrush. During the day, however, I got 2 different compliments on my hair, asking if I'd A) freshly colored it? (no, not since May) and B) had a new cut? (also not since May). By that afternoon, my fingers, again through my tresses, came back empty!!

I'm not really a believer in "overnight relief" or "magic pills", but something was definitely different. While I've now reached a bit of a happy medium on results, my hair does feel healthier and I've gotten at least 2 more compliments-- still uncut/colored since May (I only go
once every 3 months, on the advice of my stylist).

--courtesy of the crackberry-- yet another of my endorsements :)

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