Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Curtain Up

RS and I saw [title of show] tonight. We both LOVED it!!! Honestly, I was surprised the (what at least looked to be sold out) audience was, by in large, loud and extremely receptive. Some of the material is definitely catering to a small audience (of which I'm a member) of theatre folks. Many times, it really did feel like they were writing a scene that could have been me and any number of my friends. I really can't rave enough about it. I think it's probably the funniest new piece I've seen since Avenue Q. My sides and face ache from laughing. If you're going to find large audiences who get the theatre thing, you'll find them here.

There was only one reeeeeally annoying thing about the whole experience and that was the old fart sitting next to me. He was bitching throughout the entire show (and not silently) because he didn't get it. For about the first half hour, at least, every time we'd erupt in laughter (this includes just about everyone surrounding him except old fart's wife), he'd say, "These guys are plants, they must be plants! Why are they laughing?!". Okay, sir. I understand the show isn't to your liking. Kindly leave or shut the hell up!! If people laughing and applauding (eventually, he took to demonstratively covering his ears-- no joke-- every time we were clapping and laughing) bothers you, an evening at the theatre is probably not a good idea!! Grrrrr!! Fortunately, I was able to somewhat ignore him, but it was tough. He would literally stare down both the people behind him and me (and RS, but he didn't notice 'cause he was on the other side of me enjoying the show) when we'd clap and or laugh-- which, I might add, was a lot. At one point, thoroughly annoyed, I elbowed him as he turned around to stare at the appropriately-reactive audience members behind him, of course shoving his shoulder straight into me. I figured that deserved an unmovable elbow straight in his side. He at least stopped turning around at that point and just would stare me down. What an ass. /rant

So, anyway, had an awesome night. If you saw it Off Broadway and liked it, see it again. There's more :)

Not much else to report. Work is work, life is life, which is good.

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