Saturday, July 26, 2008

My Body is Walking in Space

Man, this was one heck of a long week!! Add to that some insomnia and it made for an even more tiresome one. I've been on the go all day, just got in.


- George Michael at Madison Sq. Garden. He was awesome. In addition to enjoying the music, it was a pretty visually stunning show. (see below)

- Connecting with friends I haven't talked to in aaaaages

- A fun night of dinner and theatre with friends (tonight)


- Horrible lack of sleep

- Other stuff

I promise a real update soon. In the meantime, here's a clip someone filmed the same night I was at the Garden. You'll notice the stage is also a video screen-- very cool:

1 comment:

Matt Rafat said...

Must have been a great concert. I still remember singing along to Freedom and the video...