Sunday, May 4, 2008

Can You Picture That

First off, if you get that song reference, you're my hero. Secondly, I'm loving the whole blogging-on-the-go thing (sans laptop). I'm sitting in a cafe at the moment.

While doing some final legwork to wrap up a good friend's birthday gift, I had to get some photos copied. The very nice woman at the photo place was very helpful in getting them all scanned before making the dups.

As she came upon one particular photo (honestly, one of my faves), she said, "Wow, who is that?"

"Oh, that's me, several years ago"

"Really? That's you?? You're so skinny! So beautiful!"

"Uh, yeah, I was dancing a lot"

"You don't dance anymore?"

Youch. I know she meant it as a compliment to my former self, but it was definitely a swift kick in the butt.

That being said, I've been thinking a lot about dance lately. I might need to do something to feed the soul (with which my body would actually cooperate... Meh, details...).


Diary of an Irish Woman said...

ok. I saw picture this and thought of the golden girls. Picture this it was Sicily 1939 and I was .. Do I win a runner up sympathy prize?

jazz bird said...

lol-- Twin, I thought of all people, you'd get this one! It's from The Muppet Movie!! (Dr Teeth and the Electric Mayhem, I do believe).

And, yes, total bonus points for a Golden Girl's reference, for sheer obscurity, if nothing else :)