Saturday, April 19, 2008

Don't Bring Me Down

I love mornings that start out with fresh air-- especially if I've somewhat polluted my body the night before ;)

My morning's quest was a new phone. I went to the closest store and they didn't have what I wanted, so I walked to the one a little further downtown. Having gotten to it about 1/2 hour before opening, I grabbed a bite and sat in a shady spot at Bryant Park to enjoy the gorgeous weather. I didn't have a book with me and didn't even care. People watching can be entertaining on its own.

On my walk home, there were two street fairs, so I wandered through both. I don't think there's ever a week in NYC in which there's not a street fair somewhere. They usually carry much of the same things, but every once and a while I happen on a cool artist, etc. Other than that, it's usually iPod and phone accessories, knock-off hand bags and lots and lots of street food options. I got a ginormous cup of fruit that was a nice cap to the morning. I'm all about hydration this morning.

I'm working on pretty much no sleep at this point (I think I managed to eek in about 2.5 hours, but not consecutively), but I was awake so decided to take advantage of a slightly cool sunny morning and bang out a few errands.

I had a lot of fun last night hanging out with a relatively new friend. It's great when I find somebody new who actually gets me. :) I think there are some friends I've had for years that I still confuse on a regular basis ;) (not that I love you any less).

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