Saturday, May 1, 2010


It's been great doing some consulting lately. I've taken a few steps outside of my usual corporate box and been the lone-thinker. It's also been wonderful to help my friend take charge a bit more.

A friend of mine is a Director of Marketing for a large theater. His web developer upped and quit without notice, having gotten a full-time gig out-of-state. So, I got the "help!" phone call. It's been fun digging in and not only taking on an existing web project, but help enable my friend (and his team) to get to the point where they can start making the updates themselves. He's also starting his own marketing consulting business, so I've had the bandwidth to help out with recommendations there, as well. I got a little too excited talking about SEO than any human probably should be.

It's fun to take on new little projects once and a while and do something outside of the norm. It's been just the little break I needed.

I'm readying myself to get back out on the market again, soon, after a little traveling I have planned next week. I'm headed up to the Adirondaks (near Lake George) for a few days, expecting to return fully refreshed.

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