Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Down in Birdland

Things are picking up again on the post-holiday scene. I just snagged some tickets for Tierney Sutton at Birdland next week. I love seeing her live. She's not only a very fine singer, but a remarkable musician, so very fun to watch (and hear). I really dig her drummer, Ray Brinker, too. He can do some crazy magic with brushes. Then again, the whole band is fun. I'm thinking I need to hit Cleo's again soon, as well. It's been a while.

I'm thinking of a vacation in February, but haven't booked it yet. Warmth? Sand? Water?... Bueller? (notice I left out "sun", ha ha)

I have to say, so far, 2010 pretty much rocks. There are some things that are less than ideal, but when isn't that the case for anyone? Overall, we're in the black.

I've lost some weight, I've had a ton of energy, exercising regularly, good friends are having babies, others seeing some fresh starts, I'm spending time with people I care about (though very much missing some who aren't here), and I just have that overwhelming sense of good things ahead. Those things that were more daunting near the close of '09 just don't seem as weighty.

Color me optimistic.


My Groups said...

California? Or am I just being greedy? BTW: we are planning a Foust family vacation to Ireland in summer of 2011, and the family and I will probably stop in NY on the way in and out...

jazz bird said...

Oooh, sweet! I would love that.

I may be in the Bay Area in July. There's a theater dept. reunion brewing, but not sure if that's gonna actually happen or not. If I had tons of vacation, I'd totally go out there for a bit. I'll keep you posted!