Friday, July 24, 2009


I'm all prepped for my single-day weekend tomorrow. I plan on doing as little as humanly possible, but will probably squeeze in a bit of productivity and, at the very least, a good walk. Sunday, work-wise, we pick up where we left off and Monday ends phase 1 of the current project (woo hoo!!). I can't wait for the exhale! If all goes as planned, that exhale happens in just a few short days.

Nothing new on the health front. I'm still being incredibly cautious about everything put in my body. I haven't gotten the results for last weeks tests yet, which will determine just how careful I have to be. Basically, we need to know if it's just the liver and the definitive root cause. I haven't gotten word of a cancellation for my GI doc, so I'm assuming I likely won't get there until the beginning of August, which is when I'm scheduled. I've been on the cancellation list for weeks. The stomach is the least of my worries at the moment, though.

Can we just stop with the body issues now? I think I've reached my quota of physical problems, especially for things that happened ages ago.

The easy part of this is that I've basically returned to how I was eating when I was still in California. I'd loosened the reins a bit since getting out here, since my friends are all great foodies, but it's a way of eating I'm at least used to. And I already wasn't much of a drinker, so cutting out alcohol completely isn't that great a challenge. I'd miss the occasional glass of red wine with dinner, but the dinners for which that'd be most applicable aren't in the picture anyway. One hitch is fine dining here. I feel like in California there was always at least one or two options everywhere I went since it's a little more health-focused out there. It was more the exception than the rule that I couldn't eat somewhere. It's a challenge here, but not impossible with certain modifications. I just feel more high maintenance here. Ah, well, my health comes first.

Who knows? The nutritionist may unlock even more. I'll be seeing one after my next doctor appointment, based on certain test results. I'm predicting that I'll be a rarity, showing up to my appointment, full food diary in-hand. I've kept one off and on for years, so the nutritionist can already see how I eat, complete with nutritional breakdown, etc. The only fault I would find in my current habits is that I slightly under eat, which is a problem. I'm having trouble eating as much as I should, but I think I just need a bit of time on that one. It's tough going back to old habits with a new lifestyle and daily routine. I just don't live like I did in California (having several large supermarkets and health food stores available in a short radius, for one). One positive change to my current daily life, however, is that not only am I a block from the gym here at home, it's also the same building as I now work.

Okay, time to curl up with my Kindle and get some well-deserved sleep!!

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