Sunday, November 9, 2008

Lazin' on a Sunday Afternoon

It's been a mellow weekend, for a change. Very cool. Yesterday was rainy and made for a cozy day in, watching old episodes of Daria, reading and doing a bit of music stuff. It's been a while since I've gone into a weekend where I could just hang in. I went out Friday night (which was awesome-- saw the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra!!), but didn't do much else out, other than some nice walks.

My favorite Cha sent me some cookies from the west coast (Mother's Animal Parade, the company has recently gone out of business). Between those and the tea my wonderful twin sent, I'm set for treats for a while! (I'm trying very hard to ration the cookies, but it's not going very well).

I was half thinking of making soup tonight, but the store across the street that usually has vegetables only has fruit today. I went to the east side today and didn't pass any grocery stores then was too lazy to go west again. I have everything except carrots and celery for the miripoix, so it didn't seem worth going all the way for that, when it comes to extra cross-town blocks. It's not like I can't do it tomorrow. I'm planning on staying in and being productive.

I did get to the bookstore today to pick up the newest Hornby. I've been juggling a few books I just haven't been able to get into, so I feel like it came on the scene at the perfect time! Sure, I have others in the to-be-read pile (a nice score from Paperback Swap), but Hornby typically rises to the top of the pile. I'm trying really hard not to buy the new Klosterman (did I write about seeing him a couple weeks ago? He's as awesome as I'd hoped!), but really would rather wait until it's in paperback. I think the books I have should make for a decent distraction.

Alright, time to get back to my very important Law and Order marathon ;) Oh, and I finally opened Guitar Hero World Tour today. It's sweeeeet. Much better than GH III. Thankfully, I don't ever really get sucked in for more than an hour-- usually more like half an hour. At this point, I'm just going through and unlocking the songs so I can play them in whatever mode I'd like. I'm decent enough that it's pretty easy to do.

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