Monday, November 17, 2008

Autumn Leaves

We're gearing up in the city for the first snow, which is anticipated for tomorrow. It's certainly cold enough! The cold is fine, really, but it was really windy earlier. Still, there's a nice chill in the air, holiday lights are going up and it's just a little over a week away from the Macy's parade (and, with it, Thanksgiving, of course).

I had a wonderfully amazing day yesterday (especially considering I was up much of the night before extremely sick to my stomach, but thankfully it passed by evening).

I woke up late for me (around 10), mostly because I'd been up from about 1-6am. I ran a few errands to pick up my friend's (whom I was seeing tonight) birthday present, etc. I'd already ordered it, so just had to pick up the main part and a few accessories.

After I was done with the necessities, I met up with with my friend J for the afternoon. We had so much fun!! We walked through the park, watched the skaters a bit, grabbed coffee to keep us warm along the walk, did some window shopping and just had fun, fun, fun. After wandering around half-heartedly looking for food, we ended up going to the pub across from my apartment. Afterward, we came up for a good round of Guitar Hero. Such a pleasant afternoon. Since he lives in a different borough and we no longer see each other on a daily basis, it's easy to miss each other. I forgot just how awesome it is to hang out with him. I'm completely myself, as is he.

Afterward, a half dozen of friends went to dinner to celebrate a friend's birthday. I had one of the better meals of my life. It was a true gastronomic delight. It was a small fortune and worth every cent. It was at the seasonal restaurant on Park Ave. I'm tempted to go every season now. It was the perfect number of people, though. This way we all got a great taste of the overall menu as we'd ordered a good variety. I had an extremely pleasant experience with every single bite that went into my mouth, from the sweet onion rolls to the fig carpacchio through my last bite of apple cider sorbet.

I went to sleep an extremely content and very loved girl.

Tonight I'm headed to "Broadway Unplugged". I've never been. It sounds like it should be fun.

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