Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Summer Time

Bye bye spring... it was nice while it lasted. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 80 and stormy. I remember last Memorial Day, though, which was horribly hot, so this was wonderful. Last year, my air conditioner had been delivered, but my super was gone for the weekend and I couldn't get it installed. This year, I've been lucky enough that it's only been on once so far. Now it doesn't feel so terrible that summer lasted until October (please, not again this year... although, we don't need sub-zero as a replacement).

It was a fun weekend. I got some quality time in with friends, which is the best way to spend time off. I made a few new ones in the process, too.

A couple of friends had a party today/tonight in Queens. I met some really cool people, ate far too much (really good) food, had the best sangria I've ever tasted and late into the evening played Celebrity. I left Manhattan more than once this weekend. And I didn't even need a visa or passport! Who knew? ;)

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