Friday, March 28, 2008

Back in the Saddle Again

In a few hours, I go in for the second half of the RF procedure. I expected yesterday to feel pretty much like the two test procedures. Wrong!! It's all that and then some. I'm really sore, but not just from the back and the injection sites (although I have massive welts where they were), but also all the muscles surrounding. There was one portion that was especially painful, but I was able to suck it up by concentrating on specific points of my surroundings in the operating room. A friend recently gave me a good meditative trick (albeit for sleep) that was especially handy where the local anesthesia and muscle relaxers weren't enough.

Not too much else to tell. I'm hoping I'm not too sore to go sing on Sunday. I'd like to make it a habit-- at least until I'm up to doing more late night stuff.

I've been horizontal much of the time since yesterday and will probably do much of the same until I leave for the second round. I really hope this lasts far closer to nine months than three. I can't imagine doing this 4 times a year. I'd still be getting the spinal injections for the discs, but they're a walk in the park by comparison.

On a positive note, we got a good preview dose of spring on Wednesday. It was beautiful well into the evening. I skipped yoga and went for a really nice walk instead. I also got some new fake books this week (the new Real Vocal books, for those interested). Hooray for an Amazon sale and free overnight delivery! I've been pouring through them since they arrived. Not too much I didn't already have (although they are different chord progressions in many cases), but there are a few new gems among them.

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