Monday, March 24, 2008

Always Something There to Remind Me

I know several people reading this have waited me to type out these words: I sang tonight. On purpose. In a completely public setting. With musicians I hadn't yet met and a crowd who didn't know me from the passers by on the sidewalk-- and who also had zero expectations. My voice was still in a tentative state as late as yesterday from my recent cold (and even a bit craggy this morning, but fortunately cleared easily), but I was very careful with it. This was probably the first day in a couple of weeks I was solidly in full voice.

Through the nudge of a friend here, and another still out west (thank you to both of you), I finally bit the bullet and hit an open mic uptown. The only truly agonizing part of it was that I signed up at 4 and went on at 8, but the timing was actually very good. A few singers before me, the bar was raised considerably (which scared me, but that's typically more inspiration than true fright).

It was fun. From the first bar I sang, I got that vaguely familiar look from many in the audience-- the one where they look from their tables, drinks and friends as if "what just happened here?! Something new has been added". The feedback certainly was positive. The trio was also fantastic. Overall, it felt good. I left the club with a high I haven't felt in far too long. I'm still feeling the excitement several hours later-- better than any drug, if it all comes out right (I suppose the same can be said of most drugs, haha).

Afterward, we went to this sweet little tapas bar for dinner (needed a change of scene from 4 hours at the other place). The food was fantastic, as was the company. The woman who owns/runs the place stopped by and chatted with us-- very lovely woman, and so incredibly passionate about what she's doing. It was a good day, being surrounded by so much passion.

How I'm supposed to now sleep is beyond me, but I'm in wind-down mode, thankfully. It was a very long day. I left my apartment around 10:30 this morning and just got home shortly before midnight. All in all, however, a very happy easter.

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