Friday, August 7, 2009

G I Think You're Great

I went in for a very minor upper GI thing today. It was mostly just to have a look, though they fixed a couple of things they found while they were in there. It wasn't much at all, though I do kinda' feel like Roto Rooter had some fun in my esophagus (very mild- no big deal).

I had a chat with the doctor afterward, though don't know too terribly much until labs are back, etc.

What I really learned to day is that I love Propafol. No, really, I do. Those who know me well know I'm not big on drugs, especially anesthesia. Opiates and I don't play nicely together, whether a Vicodin for bone fractures or the heavier stuff for surgeries. I always need a heavy dose of anti-nauseant in the IV before any sedatives. So, a non-opiate sedative? It rocks!! I was out in about half a second and was semi-lucid upon waking. By the time my friend got me home, I felt fully aware of my surroundings and everything I was doing. After a nice, long nap (and food, not having eaten for about 16 hrs.), I felt fully awake and fine. No drug hangover, no nausea, nothing. I'm a little tired, but it's not a fuzzy, dopey kind of tired.

All in all, not bad.

Work-wise, it's hardly slowed, but post-launch makes it easier to get help from my teammates who weren't "in the know" beforehand. Still, things have been coming at a steady clip. This not having been my first time to the rodeo, I expected as much. It's all manageable. I do enjoy making good on a deliverable before it's anticipated (even by myself). This week I had one such an occasion. I had a site that I expected would be a bigger job than it was. There are a few minor cleanup things to take care of, but I left it in a good state for the weekend. I practically had one hand typing as I was on my way out the door. I hate leaving loose ends, so it was a relief, especially with a couple of our UI guys out today.

I'm looking forward to getting back on the social scene in the next few days. Tomorrow I'm heading to CT for a b'day party, then a few things planned for the week. Later in the week, a few of us are going out with some folks from the JC office, which should be fun. We always have a good time.

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