Saturday, September 6, 2008

Stormy Weather

So this is what a tropical storm is like. I was out early this afternoon, just before the rain hit. It felt almost like you could swim through the air. I've been watching television for a bit and I keep seeing storm warnings on scrolling alert every so often.

It's been an interesting week. I haven't been sleeping, been a little stressed out by a few different sources, and I've been busy as hell. I've been out nearly every night this week. It's not as bad as that all probably sounds. I've weathered far worse.

On the positive side, I've also stumbled on a wealth of musical inspiration. Some cool musical scores have come into my possession. I'm looking forward to sitting at my piano for a bit when I get home tonight.

I'm seeing "In the Heights" tonight. Despite it having won the Tony for best musical last year, I still haven't seen it. I figured it was time. Thankfully, I have a new rain jacket ;)

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