Thursday, August 21, 2008

Over My Head

I've been really quiet on here lately. I haven't forgotten the blog. It's more finding both the time and words for an update.

Work is a bit hectic. There are a lot of irons in the fire and we're busy. Most of it's not bad, but some of it could be better.

Life outside of work is a bit stressful, as well. I have a lot seems to be hitting at the same time, so am having a tough time just keeping my head above water, much less ahead of the game. The details are boring, for the most part, so won't bore anyone reading this with the nitty gritty, let's just leave it at "swamped".

This will change soon. I'll have everything under control, stress will be lessened, I'll stop drinking "decaf" coffee I didn't prepare ;) (total switcharoo on my iced coffee this afternoon-- not helping).

I'll post a proper entry. Of course, the time I took to type this just made me late to meet a friend, but it's close by. I'm on Irish/Jamaican time today ;)

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