Saturday, June 28, 2008

Funny That Way

Caught Kurt Elling at Birdland again tonight. I was in much better body and spirit, so we were happily able to stay for the second set. My friend J was with me and he enjoyed the hell out of it.

Kobie Watkins (on drums) was on fire, of course the rest right there with him (or he with them, however you want to view it). I was so happy to hear an unexpected, "The Masquerade is Over". I don't think he's recorded it, but I did hear him do it once before. I frequently forget just how much I love that tune and he just reinforced it x100. The chart frequently sits on my piano then gets put away before I do anything with it. I sense a reprise.

I need to go spend sometime inside myself. I'm so glad I'm in an apartment old enough, and with thick enough walls, that I can spend some time with music at pretty much any hour of the day or night and go undisturbed (and leave others in the same state).

I hope wherever you are, you're feeling even an ounce as high (naturally) as I feel. Good music just feeds my soul. I'm a glutton for it.

To think I would have been in California this week if it hadn't been for a few twists and turns in that plan. I love when things work out. I'm happy I'm home.

1 comment:

P+T Johnson-Lenz said...


Happy to hear that you caught Kurt and company again at Birdland this week! In the Forum on Kurt's website, someone who was there on Thursday asked about the saxophone player, Joel Frahm. We found your earlier blog entry to answer his question and posted a link there.

We'd like to invite you to join us and other Kurt fans in the Forum and tell us more about the Birdland gig!

Be well -- stay jazzed,


Peter+Trudy Johnson-Lenz