Thursday, June 26, 2008

Down in Birdland

I saw Kurt Elling at Birdland tonight. Regardless of a relatively minor, but uncomfortable and painful, medical procedure this afternoon, and against all better judgment, I saw Kurt Elling (granted, after about a 4 hour nap).

As usual, he rocked the place with his crazy solos (dude can scat) and beautiful tones. His trio was comprised of the usual suspects-- all great at what they do. Laurence Hobgood never disappoints. Sitting in on tenor sax was Joel Frahm. Man, that guy can really blow (in every bit a good way). I've heard him on recordings, but don't think I've ever seen him live. He's definitely on my radar now, especially since I think he's local.

They did "I Feel So Smoochie", one of my all time faves, among many other favorites. He also played a few new things, which I liked, too. Of course, I don't think I could imagine coming away from a show of his saying, "Well, that sure sucked". It's highly unlikely, even on a "bad" night.

I had the option of staying for the second set, but just couldn't. I didn't feel well and my body was speaking loudly, pleading its case. I'll be back tomorrow, though. And maybe Saturday for the late set. That's the beauty of living blocks away.

It's pretty crazy how little I've gone out to hear lately in the way of jazz, or any live music, for that matter. I live so close to so many really good clubs and have pretty convenient subway access to many, many more. Now that the June work deadline is over soon, I'll have a bit more energy to expend in that direction, but we all know if I made it a priority it would happen. Who knows, I may actually get my ass out there and start singing again on a regular basis. I miss it, but it's my own fault that I haven't been doing it (from here I can see my book sitting on my piano bench, mocking me and expressing its loneliness as of late). We'll see.

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