Saturday, March 29, 2008

A Talent for Causing Things Pain

My doctor has never performed this procedure on someone two days in a row. He typically waits weeks to a month between sides. When I was there last week, though, I asked about it. We discussed it and it's not because there's any different danger, it's just that it's quite painful and he didn't want me without the ability to walk for a couple days (I can, I'm just not very happy when doing so).

Now in the full throws of day-after, yikes. The best way to describe it is that I feel like I'm wearing a wide pain belt from my waist to my tail bone. Thankfully, I learned to type while flat on my back after my last ankle surgery, although it's nothing I'd want to keep up for longer than to tap out a quick post or email. And sitting? HA! Not so much right now.

I should be a lot happier in a couple weeks when this all kicks in, so it's worth it.

In far more cheery news, Stephen Lynch is coming to town in a few months :) I've never seen him live and am excited about it.

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